1301 Rollin St. South Pasadena CA 91030 ▪︎ Summer Hours Monday - Friday 9am - 1pm

Welcome from the Principal

Welcome to Holy Family, and thank you for visiting our website! It is a privilege to be able to share with you what makes Holy Family Catholic School so special!


We have proudly served our community for 86 years, offering a tradition of belonging, spiritual development, and excellence in our parish and school. Our commitment to student learning is our number one priority; we recognize that learning is far more than academics; it encompasses spiritual, social, emotional, and physical development. Our whole-child approach helps our students to truly thrive!

As a part of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, our teachers use research-based practices to meet students’ needs and support optimal growth. Backed by technology and data-driven decision-making, we are able to target areas of improvement and develop students’ gifts, allowing them to flourish.

Beyond core academics, the student experience is enhanced by music, Spanish, art, technology, physical education, gardening, social-emotional learning classes, and field trips embedded into the school day.  After school, students explore their personal interests through clubs and activities such as various competitive athletic teams, Academic Decathlon, altar serving, cheer team, chess, choir, drama, Mock Trial, robotics, scouting, Student Ambassadors, Student Council, and Yearbook.

Within the walls of our classrooms, we prepare students from Transitional Kindergarten to 8th grade to be thoughtful community members in the world beyond our doors, acting as disciples of Jesus Christ and leading lives of faith, community, excellence, and service.

We hope you enjoy getting to know our community and school.


Mrs. Jennifer Garzia – HFS Principal