1301 Rollin St. South Pasadena CA 91030 ▪︎ Hours Monday - Friday 8am - 3pm

Faith Formation

Mission Statement

Holy Family Catholic School educates students to achieve academic excellence while becoming disciples of Jesus Christ and leading lives of faith, community, and service.

Catholic education is central to the mission of the Church and depends on the participation and cooperation of everyone concerned. The Church must provide people with experiences of the sacred — through authentic Catholic doctrine and worship — and help them to identify the sacred in their own lives.

Religious education means more than passing on facts and information. It is an encounter with Jesus. For both teachers and students, it is a way of Christian witness. Our teachers and staff are considered witnesses to the faith and models of Christian living.

Religion is an integral part of our curriculum and is taught each day formally and is also made an informal part of our studies and daily interactions.

Each year the Staff and Faculty of Holy Family Catholic School, as well as those men and women involved with various Holy Family Church ministries, attend a four-day event held by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles called LOS ANGELES RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CONGRESS or ReCongress for short.

Students in Grade 2 prepare for and participate in the reception of the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist.

Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated with grades 3-8 throughout the school year.

Every grade level participates in a Christian Service project where children and families put their faith in action by reaching out to those in need. Service projects include working with parish ministries of the Giving Bank, Mission Haiti, and the Ministry to the Elderly. Our students have also worked on local and international projects such as the Ronald McDonald House, Children’s Hospital, and the Make a Wish Foundation.

Students attend Mass on the following occasions:
  • One day per week as a class (except during a week where there is a scheduled school Mass)
  • Once a month as an entire school
    • Each month is hosted by a class and followed by a retreat with their parents
  • Holy Days of Obligation, special days of celebration, and Ash Wednesday
  • To signify the beginning and end of the school year
Prayer services are held for the following occasions:
  • Daily Morning Announcements
  • Weekly assemblies
  • Lenten Mondays, The Living Rosary, and Stations of the Cross
  • Blessing ceremonies for various school celebrations

Spirituality Program

The Holy Family School’s Spirituality program provides students with an opportunity to reflect upon and enrich their own spiritual growth and to be active in their faith through the partnership with a Christian service organization. This includes a hands-on activity designed to provide support to a service organization.

Virtues of each class

Recognizing that children need consistent guidance concerning faith formation, Holy Family Catholic School upholds Virtues assigned to each grade.

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