1301 Rollin St. South Pasadena CA 91030 ▪︎ Summer Hours Monday - Friday 9am - 1pm


In 2022, we proudly celebrated our 85th School Anniversary. On Sunday, October 16, 2022, we celebrated at mass as Alum, Families, and Friends. Here is a video that was shown at our Alum Mass.

Click Here to view the Alumni Mass on 10/16/22 at 11:15am.

If you are a Holy Family Catholic School graduate or an Alumni Parent, we encourage you to please click on the links below so that we can add you to our database.

We are excited to connect with you.






Our Alumni Council is a wonderful space and ministry to connect with former Holy Family classmates, share stories, and photos, hear news and get updates on important events and happenings. Most importantly, it is an interactive way to stay connected to HFS and the elementary school years near and dear to your heart!

Current Council Members include:

Katie Bitonti ‘96 William Chapman ‘49 Kevin Danni ‘93 Kathy Holtsnider ‘60
Katie Martel ‘95 Michele (Lopez) Rodriguez ‘85 Melissa Saldana ‘91 Sarah Banales Villegas ‘82
Adriene Plescia Lynch ‘95

Are you interested in serving on the Council or becoming a class representative for your graduating year? Do you have a Holy Family graduate in your family? If so, please email Shannon Porter at sporter@holyfamily.org.