1301 Rollin St. South Pasadena CA 91030 ▪︎ Hours Monday - Friday 8am - 3pm


Tuition  2025 – 2026

Monthly Tuition is paid through Smart Tuition, with 10 payments from July to April or 11 payments from July to May.

Grades K-8

# of Child(ren) Annually
1 $9,818
2 $19,636
3 $29,454
4 $39,272

Transitional Kindergarten

* Note: TK students who remain through 1st grade will have a $530 longevity credit applied to their 1st-grade tuition.

# of Child(ren) in TK Annually
1 $10,348
2 $20,696
3 $31,044
4 $41,392

Holy Family Catholic School aims to provide an “all in” tuition that encompasses the full HFS student experience.  This means there are generally NO extra fees such as student fees, athletic fees, 1st Eucharist, graduation, athletics, or the 8th-grade trip to Catalina Island. We value your tuition payments and aim for “all in” to provide transparency and planning purposes.


The payment as required by Holy Family Catholic School includes the following, which are non-refundable:
  • Application Fee $100 at time of application
  • Annual Deposit Fee (per family) $400 + Remainder of 1/10th of next year’s annual tuition (due in March)
  • Joining TK $950 At time of acceptance per child
  • Joining K-8 $775 At time of acceptance per child

Monthly Tuition is paid through Smart Tuition, with 10 payments from July to April or 11 payments from July to May and includes:

  • $48 annual administration fee charged by Smart in July
  • $40 late charge; $30 returned payment fee

Optional Fees

  • Drama/Play
    • $350 Fall Performance
    • $400 Spring Performance
  • After School Clubs communicated by the program during the school year
  • Hot Lunch (special Tuesday lunch program) $9.50 per lunch

Service Hours

  • 40 hours per family completed by April 30, 2026
    • 25 MUST be directly related to school activities, 15 hours for the parish is suggested
  • Hours not served are billed to Smart Tuition at $50/hour
  • All families are required to assist for approximately 3 days with morning carpool drop-off during the month assigned to their class

Parent Guild Fundraising/Scrip Contribution

  • $750 by April 30, 2026
  • $150 for 1 Auction Ticket* per family billed though SMART
  • $1000 Buyout by September 30, 2025 (May be split into up to three (3) consecutive payments via Smart Tuition beginning no later than your November invoice, made by contacting the school bookkeeper)
  • $1000 Buyout is charged to your April Smart billing if no fundraising is recorded.
  • Note: Legacy of Learning Donations do not count toward the annual fundraising contribution
  • The Parent Guild monitors all school fundraising contributions

Mandatory Meeting Attendance

  • Drop-In-Day in August
  • Orientation/Back to School Night in August
  • Conferences Fall & Spring
  • State of the School Address in January

Safeguard the Children

  • Each family member, student guardian, or student caregiver (over 18 years old) must attend Virtus training and be fingerprinted through the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
  • Upon completion, submit certificates to the front office of the school

New Student Probation

All new students are on a probationary basis for the first 90 days of school.

Time Well Spent (Before and After School Program)

  • For the safety of our students, all students will be required to check in with a TWS staff member and be signed out by an authorized parent or guardian.
  • All charges will be billed through SMART.
  • Any student who is not picked up at the end of the school day will be automatically signed in to Time Well Spent, and charges will apply.

Operational hours are:

  • Mornings 7:00am-7:30am
  • Afternoon dismissal time to 6:00 pm

Morning Rate

Per Day

Per Month

Half Months December & June




Afternoon Rate

# of Child(ren)

Per Month

Half Months December & June










Drop-In Afternoon Use: $6.25 per hour.  Charged in 15-minute increments.

Late Pickup Fee: $5 per minute.

*Note Details are subject to change. Please refer to the Holy Family Catholic School Handbook for additional information.